Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia

Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia has come out witha special issue featuring the works of Chinese scholarsworking on Southeast Asia.The issue also became the occasion to add Chineseto the web journals existing languages (Bahasa-Indonesia,English, Filipino, Japanese and Thai).The theme of Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia’s Issue11 will be on Local Voices. Two outstanding features ofthis issue are the submission of essays by scholars andpublic intellectuals from Indonesia and Thailand in theiroriginal languages, and the bypassing of English as aconduit for translating in several of the works that willbe included in this volume. Volume 11 is scheduled to beuploaded by late Nov. 2009. It will be immediately followedby a special issue on Korean studies on SoutheastAsia, which is a collaborative project with colleaguesfrom Southeast Asia Centers in South Korea. This issue will also add Korean into Kyoto Review’s languages.