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11. After the Crisis: Hegemony, Technocracy and Governance in Southeast Asia.
Shiraishi, T. and P. N. Abinales, eds. February, 2005.
This book is about Southeast Asia — above all Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines — after the Asian financial crisis. While there exists much literature on the Asian financial crisis, these do not adequately address the longterm political, economic, and social implications of the crisis’s costs and consequences. In analyzing the Asian crisis, this book takes up the complex interactions and tensions among Southeast Asian states, markets, and societies within the context of a regional order under American hegemony. The chapters of this book are the final version of papers presented at the Core University Program Workshop “Networks in Comparative Historical Perspective, and U.S. Hegemony and Questions of Technocracy,” held at Kyoto University, 25-26 March 2002.