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Narifumi M. TACHIMOTO Chiiki Kenkyu Sosho No.3 *Area Studies Methodologies. (revised 2nd edition) Kyoto : Kyoto University Press |
Kunio YOSHIHARA *The Countries which will improve and the countries which will deteriorate in Southeast Asia. Tokyo :Toyo Keizai Shinposha |
Yoshikazu TAKAYA ed. Chiiki Kenkyu Sosho No.8 *Trials for Inter-area Comparative Studies Part 2. Kyoto : Kyoto University Press |
Kosuke MIZUNO Chiiki Kenkyu Sosho No.7 *Community-based Industry in Indonesia: What Is a Path to the Recovery of Asian Economies? Kyoto : Kyoto University Press Award for the Promotion of the Studies on Developing Countries for FY2000. |
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Kunio YOSHIHARA Area Studies Monographs No.1 The Nation and Economic Growth: Korea and Thailand. Kyoto : Kyoto University Press |
Kunio YOSHIHARA *What has brought about economic disparity among nations? NTT Press |
Kunio YOSHIHARA Building a Prosperous Southeast Asia. London : Routledge |
Shigeyuki ABE et al. eds. Asia-Pacific Economic Linkages. Oxford : Pergamon |
Koji TANAKA ed. *Symbioses with the Nature: Learning from ndigenous Agriculture. Kyoto : Showado |