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28. Center-Local Relationship in Lao PDR: Local Administration of Provincial Governor under the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party.
SETO, Hiroyuki.
Published in March, 2015.
Kyoto University Press.
This book investigates the local administration under the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party by focusing on the role of provincial governors in Lao PDR. Local administration under provincial governors in Lao PDR was launched according to the constitution in 1991 by abolishing the people’s local councils and local administrative committees which had been established in 1975. This book examines three areas: how the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party governs local areas through local governors; the reason why the local administration was changed in 1991 when the Cold War ended; and, the change of the center-local relationship in Lao PDR since the late of 1990s. This book argues that the party adopted the local administration with provincial governors in order to maintain security and the rule of the Party at the end of Cold War. The book also considers the Party’s attempts to de-concentrate power to the local level in order to promote local development as a part of Laos’ preparation for joining in ASEAN integration.