CSEAS Newsletter 63 is now available

From East Asia Back to Asia Pacific Shirashi Takashi 3
Southeast Asia in the History of the East Asian Miracle Sugihara Kaoru 6
Caring for the Dead Ritually in CambodiaJohn Clifford Holt 9
Origins and Rise of the “Anglo-Chinese”Caroline Sy Hau 12
Envisioning a Different Southeast Asia from a Non-StatePerspective Ishikawa Noboru 15
The Art of Anticipating Criticism James Scott 16
The Practice of Language: Linguistic Diversity andMultilingualism in Southeast AsiaNathan Badenoch 18
Burmese Migrants to Thailand: Vignettes from the Borderas In-Between Space Hayami Yoko 21
Caring for the Present Future: Reconfiguring Migrant’sAffective Labor to Care for Japanese Elderly Mario Lopez 23
For Better or for Worse, More Are Coming Every Day: Economic Development and Migration Flowsto Riau Province, Sumatra Retno Kusumaningtyas 25
Visiting Scholars 27
Publications News 28
In Memorium: Donna J. Amoroso 30
Remembering DonnaRufa Cagoco-Guiam 31